Moonsorrow - 2009-08-29 12:35:08

Na poczatku kilka podstawowych ksiazek, ktore dotycza Skandynawii okresu wypraw Wikingow,  warto je znac:
"Historia Wikingów" E. Roesdahl
"Wikingowie" P. Foote, D. Wilson
"Normanowie" L. Leciejewicz
"Ruś wikingów" W. Duczko
"A Hitory of the Vikings" G. Jones
"The Vikings" M. Magnusson
"Edda poetycka" w tlum. A. Załuska-Strömberg
"Vikings in Scotland - an archaeological survey" J. Graham - Campbell, C.E. Batey
"The Viking Art of War" P. Griffith

Kolejna garsc pozycji "wikinskich" - tym razem kroniki  i opracowania dotyczace wypraw Wikingow na Wyspy Brytyjskie:
Hennessey W. M. (ed.), Annals of Ulster, Dublin 1887.
Munch P. A. (ed.), The chronicle of Man and Sudreys, Christiania 1860.
Radner J. (ed.), Fragmentary Annals of Ireland, Dublin 1978.
Swanton J. M.  (ed.), Anglo – Saxon Chronicle, London 1997.
Bennet M., Campaigns of the Norman Conquest, Oxford 2001.
Fellows – Jensen G., The Vikings and Their Victims: The Verdict of the Names, London 1995.
Graham – Campbell J, Wilson D. M, The Viking World, Lincoln Ltd. 2001.
Hadley D. M.,  Invisible Vikings, British Archaeology, vol.  64, 2002.
Lillie S., Vikings in Mann, Manx National Heritage 1997 - 2003.
Ó Corráin D., Vikings in Ireland and Scotland in the Ninth Century, Peritia, vol. 12, Turnhout 1998.
Ó Corráin D., Viking Ireland – Afterthoughts, H.B. Clarke, M. Ní Mhaonaigh and R. Ó Floinn (ed.), Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age, Dublin 1998.
Richards J., Viking Age England, London 1991.
Richards J., Excavation at the Viking Barrow cemetery at Heath Wood, Ingelby, Derbyshire, Medieval Archaeology, vol. 39, London 1995.
Richards J., Excavation at the Viking Barrow cemetery at heath Wood, Ingelby, Derbyshire, The Antiquaries Journal, vol. 84, London 2004.
Richards J., Pagans and Christians at the frontier: Viking burial in the Danelaw, The Cross Goes North: Processes of Conversion in Northern Europe, AD 300 – 1300, York 2003.
Sawyer P. H., Kings and Vikings: Scandinavia and Europe, A.D. 700 – 1100, London 1989.

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Jacław - 2010-04-08 09:37:45

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